People Inc. Features
NEW Action List Manager Plugin for People Inc. HR
The Action List functionality within People Inc. is designed to enable users to record and manage a centralised list of employee related actions within the People Inc. system.
Triggers can be configured to automatically create an action when a record is updated. For example, an action can be created when a Probation Date is entered on to an employee’s record.
Additionally, reminders can be sent to the relevant Manager or HR administrator reminding them of the action.
Action List Manager Plug in
The Action List Manager is a tool used for managing and viewing these Action List entries. The tool provides a user with a range of views from an overview to hourly schedule and from here the user can perform a variety of tasks to update any existing actions.
The Action List Manager works by providing a list of Action List Entries based on a filter, either using an existing filter within the system or by using an Advanced Filter option.
Action List Entries can be viewed in a calendar format using the Schedule option or as a List using the Grid option.
From the Grid view, users can quickly perform various functions such as Viewing the Action List record, Completing the Action, Complete and create a follow up action or delete the action.
Main Benefits of new Action List Manager Tool
- Quickly view a selection of Action List
- Entries to review using filters
- Open Action List Records for updating
- Close Action List entries with a couple of clicks
- Create follow up Actions
- Create new ad-hoc Actions on the go
- Quick and easy to use.
- How do I get this new functionality?
The New Action List Manager Plug In is available now for free to existing People Inc. users as part of the latest People Inc. Wizard Pack 4. Please contact us if you would like a copy of the new wizard pack.
People Inc. Ongoing Development Programme
People Inc. has an extensive ongoing development programme to continually look at ways to improve the functionality within People Inc. As part of this programme, work is being done on the Wizards functionality within People Inc. not only looking at improving the existing Wizards but also identifying new Wizards to speed up some of the multi-step or repetitive processes within People Inc.