People Inc. Features

Update personal details via Employee Self Service

Functionality provided by the People Inc. Employee Self Service Personal Details add-on Module enables you to process changes to your Personal Details electronically. This is done via the web browser on your computer.

Changes submitted in this way are saved immediately and an e-mail is sent to the appropriate personnel to advise them of the change. In addition to managing personal details, the Employee Intranet is also used to provide you with access to personal information held within the system and enables you to manage your holidays.


Employee Self Service Personal Details Add-on Screen Employee Self Service Personal Details Add-on Screen

It is also possible to submit time sheets, expense claims and contribute to on-line appraisals via the Employee Intranet. All of these are provided by optional add-on functionality (this functionality may not be implemented within your People Inc. system).

Managers have some additional functionality available to them via the Employee Intranet. If you are a manager you will be able to access information about employees in your team, review their confirmed holiday bookings, and approve (or decline) new holiday requests and expense claims (time sheets, etc.) made by members of your team.

The Change of Personal Details Add-on is one of several new add-ons for People Inc. Self Service Module. More information about these can be found here.


The Employee Self Service allows employees to keep their personal details up to date. The system notifies HR and Payroll of any changes via email cutting down on all the duplication of effort and paperwork.

  • Difficulty 15% 15%
  • Benefit 100% 100%
  • Set up Time/Costs 45% 45%
  • Ease of use 75% 75%
New Feature Rating

Our ratings show how easy it is to implement this new feature and how the benefits outweigh the time and costs for implementing it.

Note: Features with a Difficulty rating of over 50% will need to be set up by one of our developers.