People Inc. Features

Employee Statistics Module

Data entered into the People Inc. system can be used to show a wide variety of information via the new Employee Statistics module. Typically this information is accessed through reports but it is also possible to create custom screens in the system that will show the same thing, allowing you to review important information quickly and easily.

An example of this kind of summary screen is included below. This type of screen is an example of the type of customisation that would typically be beyond a normal user of the system and would be produced by a member of our technical team.

New Employee Statistics screen

The new statistics module for People Inc. provides some basic yet key statistical information about the company such as headcount, gender divide and absence information. The information is updated# overnight from existing data for each company so no user input is required. An entry is produced for each month that the system has a job record for, detailed information such as that about absence will typically be available for the previous two years.


Employee Statistics Screen

Employee Statistics Screen

It is possible to add much more information to each tab as well as entire new tabs depending on what is required. The information is calculated for specific dates (such as the start and end of a month) or for the whole month.

The standard module provides statistics on the following:

• Employee headcount (calculated at start and end of month)
• Headcount breakdown by age group
• Maximum working hours available for the month
• Working hours lost to sickness over the month
• Working hours lost to holiday over the month
• Number of leavers
• Number of joiners
• Number of male employees (at start and end of the month)
• Number of female employees (at start and end of the month)
• Percent of male employees (at start and end of the month)
• Percent of female employees (at start and end of the month)
• Days lost to sickness over the month
• Days lost to holiday over the month

Report Design

A variety of useful reports also come with the new module and additional reports can be created using the built in report designer tool within People Inc.

More information

To find out more about using People Inc. contact us on 01242 663974


The New Statistics Module for People Inc. provides key information and statistics at a glance on a new specifically designed screen.


  • Difficulty 85% 85%
  • Benefit 100% 100%
  • Set up Time/Costs 65% 65%
  • Ease of use 100% 100%
New Feature Rating

Our ratings show how easy it is to implement this new feature and how the benefits outweigh the time and costs for implementing it.

Note: Features with a Difficulty rating of over 50% will need to be set up by one of our developers.