People Inc. Features

Managing Company Assets using People Inc.


Keeping track of your company assets has never been more important. Not least it can help manage costs but it can also help with extremely important business considerations such as compliance with new GDPR and most of all, preventing Cyber Security threats.

People Inc. is an extremely flexible HR system that provides a wide range of functionality as standard. This includes a simple screen to record Company Equipment assigned to Employees.

However, some organisations may wish to record and manage more information about the assets they provide to their employee. This could include:

  • New Starters – Ensuring suitable company assets such as Laptops, Mobile Phones etc. are assigned to new starters on their Joining Date
  • Asset Checks – Managing regular maintenance and security checks.
  • Manage Budgets – Tracking costs of company assets and equipment.
  • Contract Hire – Recording Lease/Contract Information for Mobile Phones
  • Leavers – Notifying IT when someone is due to leave and providing a list of Assets assigned to them.


Recording Company Assets

Using the People Inc. Screen Designer module, we can enhance the system by creating an area for recording and tracking company assets. This screen can record important information about the asset such as Make, model and any serial numbers along details of the purchase and its current status.


Example Asset Register Screen within People Inc Example Asset Register Screen within People Inc

Users can produce reports to review company assets whether it be an inventory with costs or when an asset is due to be replaced etc.


Tracking Company Assets

Company Assets recorded in this new section of People Inc. can then be assigned to the employees via their Company Equipment screen to track who has what within the organisation at any time.

A wide range of Reports can be produced to track assets within the organisation. For example, a report can be generated to show all assets assigned to an employee for when the employee leaves the organisation to ensure all assets are returned, not only to recover expensive items such as laptops for reissue but also to guard against potential Cyber Security threats, especially with disgruntled employees.


Example Company Assets Inventory Report Example Company Assets Inventory Report

Furthermore, due to the power of the People Inc. Security module we can also create ‘triggers’ that automatically notify IT when an employee is due to leave as part of the Leaver process. Consequently, this enables IT to ensure all company assets are returned on or before the employee leaving date. This can be then logged in the Asset Register.


How do I get this new functionality?

The Company Asset Register is not standard functionality within People Inc. yet can easily and quickly be added by one of our qualified consultants. In Addtion, we can create this section within People Inc. based upon your specific requirements. For example if your organisation wishes to record and track Health and Safety equipment as well as or instead of computers and mobile phones.


If you would like to learn more on how to get more from People Inc. or how People Inc. can help your organisation please contact PeopleFirstHR on 01242 663974 or via emailÂ