People Inc. Case Study

Managing Company Assets and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) using People Inc.


Our customer, a large Construction Company in Gloucestershire implemented People Inc. primarily to record and manage their employees training needs and history including assigning a ‘training matrix’ to employees based on their role and tracking course expiry dates. In addition to this they had a requirement to record company assets such as Laptops and Mobile phones and any Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) assigned to each employee.


Recording Assets in the Asset Register

Using the built in Screen Designer tool within People Inc. we were able to create a new Asset Register screen to enable the users to create a database of the organisations main assets and Personal Protection Equipment .

The screen was designed based on the information the customer needed to record and report on in order to track assets within the organisation.

Asset Register Screen – Detail view


 Asset Register Screen – List view

 From this screen, users were able to analyse all aspects of the Asset Register even Assets that are no longer in use.


Assigning Personal Protection Equipment and Company Assets to Employees

In addition to the Asset Register we created an additional ‘Company Equipment’ screen under the Employees Record to track the history of any assets that have been assigned to each employee.

This screen linked to the Asset Register so users could quickly assign assets to an employee.

Company Equipment Screen – Detail view


The Asset History screen allows users to quickly see a history of all the assets that are currently or have previously been assigned to an employee.

Company Equipment Screen – List view


Additionally, reports were created that allowed users to analyse the Asset usage in a number of different ways for example to view the Asset History for an employee…

 Company Equipment Report

Or to view a list of all the assets by their status.


  Asset Inventory Report


Additional Functionality

In addition to the new screens we also were able to add further functionality to help the customer track their assets more effectively. This included:

  • Provide limited access to People Inc. for IT department (can only view the Asset Register and Employee’s Company Equipment screens, but no other employee information)
  • Automatic notification sent to IT when an Employee is due to leave to ensure equipment is returned.
  • Automatic reminders for when an asset is due a safety check.
  • An area within the Employees Record to record sizes for Personal Protection Equipment (clothing and safety equipment).
  • Provide Employees with access to their Asset History via Employee Self Service.
    • A Suite of Reports including:
    • List of current assets that can be provided to their insurer
    • Cost analysis – by employee or each business unit within the Company (and by Supplier)
    • Identify employees who often need equipment replacing due to loss or damage.



People Inc. has a wealth of standard screens, Report and Letter Templates and workflow wizards. Additionally, by using the built in Screen Designer and Report Writer tools that are provided with People Inc., we were able to customise the system to meet the specific needs of our customer, helping them be more efficient and effective when tracking company assets and equipment.


Contact us to find out how People Inc. can help your organisation keep track of company assets and PPE by calling 01242 663974 or email