Capturing Project Timesheets using YouManageHR – Free webinar.
This webinar provides an invaluable overview of the on using YouManageHR to capture employee timesheets.
The session looks at streamlining the timesheet processes by utilising some of the timesaving tools within YouManageHR and includes:
- Overview of YouManageHR Timesheet module
- Configuration options
- Viewing existing Timesheets
- Recording Time (Grid View/Day/Entries)
- Recording Time (Clock In/Out)
- Reviewing and submitting timesheets
- Approving/Rejecting Timesheets
- Timesheets Reports
- Exporting Timesheet data for Payroll
The webinar is open to anyone looking to streamlining their HR processes. By the end of the session attendees will have a gained an insight on how to efficiently capture Timesheet information using YouManageHR. as well as gain an understanding of some of the other features that YouManageHR has to offer.
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