People Inc. Employee Self Service

Save hours by replacing your paper based manual holiday booking system.

Empower your employees and managers by using the easy to use self service module for People Inc.


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Configurable yet easy to use Employee Self Service module that enables line managers and employees to access a range of tools to automate many common day to day processes from a PC, Tablet or Mobile Phone.

Designed to reduce the administrative burden within any organisation such as the booking of holidays and updating of personal details. The following are some of the standard functionality of the Employee Self Service Module designed to reduce time spent on administration tasks.

Key features:


  • Employee can view their own key details
  • Managers can view relevant information for their teams
  • Request/Authorise Holiday Bookings
  • Register Sick leave
  • Team Holiday viewer



  • Personal Absence Calendar
  • Update Personal Contact Details
  • Maintain Emergency Contact Details
  • Company News
  • View Attached Documents

Employee Self Service

Empower employees and managers to request/authorise holiday bookings as well as keeping their personal details up-to-date including personal contact details and emergency contact details.

Online Appraisals

Allows Employees and Managers to carryout the Appraisal process electronically via the Employee Self Service module.  Email notifications are sent at each stage of the process.

Online Timesheets

A facility for employees to submit timesheets. These are routed to their manager for approval and are then finalised by HR or finance before payment.

Online Expenses

Enables employees to submit expense claims. These are routed to their manager for approval and are then finalised by HR or finance before payment.