People Inc. Web Recruitment Module

Save your company time and money by using the People Inc. Web Recruitment Module Publish your vacancies to your website and capture applicant details electronically straight into People Inc.
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The online Web Recruitment module for People Inc. allows users to quickly publish vacancies to their company website so that applicants can apply online.

Information applicants provide via the online application form feeds directly into the Applicants screen on People Inc. therefore saving hours of painstakingly manually adding applicant details. The built in Vacancy and Applicant area within People Inc. can then be used to manage the recruitment process for the applicants for each vacancy.

Web Recruitment Integration

How does it work?

The Online Recruitment module has been specifically designed to be simple to use and save as much time as possible for the HR/Recruitment department. It involves a simple and ‘low-admin’ process from publishing vacancies onto the company website, through to ‘on-boarding’ successful applicants as follows:

People Inc. Users create a new vacancy within People Inc. and use the ‘Publish to web’ option to add this to their company website.
Applicants can browse all open vacancies before applying for a position.
They then complete an online application form (this can be configured to meet the needs of the company) and attach a CV if required.
Once they submit the application, the data is fed directly into People Inc. and an email is sent to the applicant confirming receipt of their application.
HR can then carryout the recruitment process using the built in tools provided in People Inc. (such as analysis reports and letters such as sending Rejection letters to all rejected applicants or offer letters/contracts to the successful applicant).
Successful Applicants can then be added to People Inc. as an employee using a specifically designed wizard